oxford gallery

David Ladmore

David LadmoreWoodlands 83, oil on Yupo paper

David LadmoreSea Cave 1, oil on Yupo paper

A young artist of considerable promise, David Ladmore is better known in western Canada, where he lives, than in the eastern United States.

David’s printed works are generally small and uncluttered, impressing us more by the intimacy of focus than the intricacy of composition.

His etched line is soft and atmospheric but usually conveys something of the mysterious. Leaving much unstated, his images are intended more to provoke than to present.

Although the Oxford Gallery chose David Ladmore for the quality of his etchings, he is also a supurb painter and was elected in 1997 to the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour.

David LadmoreWarm Earth XXIX, oil on linen

David LadmoreWinter Hill, mezzotint with etching, 4" x 6"

Prices available on request